Open. Modular. Pluggable.

What is pntOS?

pntOS is a Department of Defense (DoD) open-source plugin architecture for building integrated position, navigation, and timing (PNT) sensor fusion applications.

pntOS leverages the community-developed ASPN standard message formats that make all plugins (including government off-the-shelf, community-shared, and proprietary) individually swappable without the need for modification.

*This graphic is just one example and does not show all available plugins that can be used in a pntOS implementation.

Why pntOS?


PNT mission requirements are constantly changing. New threats, sensor availability, and the rapid pace of technology make adaptability paramount. Real-time pluggability enables modification of both the sensor types and the integration strategies used to bring sensor data into the sensor fusion engine.


The inflated cost and time requirement of researching various sensor phenomenologies is greatly reduced when multiple vendors contribute their unique expertise. The result is a highly efficient, agile, and fully integrated PNT system that can outpace new threats with new capabilities.


Every sensor added to a PNT system increases the potential for failure amongst diverse components. Integrity safeguards any sensor added to a PNT system from introducing its errors into the system and reduces the potential for failure.


Standard message formats are essential for interoperability. All types of PNT sensors and components from one system platform are easily shared or re-used in another.

Multi-Vendor Solutions

Relying on a single vendor for every part of a complex PNT system adds significant time and cost to the development process. Digital acquisition enables best-of-breed solutions for easy sensor integration, replacement, or modification.

Who needs pntOS?

pntOS was designed for the DoD community and it is an ideal architecture for anyone building a PNT solution for any operational environment, regardless of privacy needs or programming language. Custom plugins can be developed using any programming language and can either be made available to the pntOS community or used for proprietary applications without risk of disclosure.

How can I use pntOS?

Start the process to verify citizenship and contractor status by clicking the button below.

Once confirmed, you will be added to the pntOS development environment which includes APIs, documentation, reference implementations, issue tracking, and other community resources.